Stop the Selfie….our final plea

Stop the Selfie….our final plea


Throughout this semester our blog has given you a few of the many reasons why we believe that young people should stop taking selfies and live in the moment. We have shared stories about how selfies can open the door to being a victim of cyber-bullying. We have discussed the dangerous trend of taking selfies while driving. We have shown you statistics that prove taking inappropriate and excessive selfies can ruin your chances of getting that dream job. We have also demonstrated that there are proven links between selfie obsession and immaturity, insecurity, and even mental health problems. All of these reasons should give even the most obsessed selfie-taker reason to pause before snapping that next picture.

I know that most of you are probably thinking to yourselves, I take a selfie now and then, but I am not obsessed and this blog doesn’t apply to me! We like to think of it this way, every minute that you are snapping a selfie, texting, or checking social media is another minute that you are not living life to its fullest. Put down the phone, lift up your eyes, and Seize the Day!


According to a study done by College Quarterly, the average college student spends over 16 hours per week on social media, that’s more time than they spend on any other activity including studying. That is 16 hours that could have been spent talking to people, playing sports, enjoying the outdoors, or any other activities that require you to look up from your mobile device and engage with the world.

In fact, according to, if you give up selfies your life will improve in the following ways:

  • You Will Be More In The Moment
  • Your Self Image Will Be Healthier
  • You Will Listen Better
  • Your Mental State Will Improve
  • You Will Be More Secure
  • You Will Have A Better Attitude
  • You Will Have A Real Definition Of Beauty
  • You Will Be Less Offended By Negativity

So please, stop the selfies. Make the most of your life, live in the moment, and be healthier because of it. It may seem difficult at first, but the rewards will last a lifetime.

Ok, so hopefully you have taken our blog to heart and are re-thinking your selfie obsession.   For those of you reading this that are still on the fence and not convinced that you can stop, we have saved perhaps our most compelling argument for last. What celebrities post excessive numbers of selfies on twitter? Miley Cyrus, Kim Kardashian, and Justin Bieber……..nuff said? I would think so….


Cyber Bullying and Selfies

Cyber Bullying and Selfies

In September 2013, 12 year-old Rebecca Sedwick left her Florida home and walked to a nearby abandoned concrete factory where she climbed to the top of a silo and jumped to her death.  What could cause a middle-school student to choose suicide over facing another day?  Cyber-bullying.  The sad fact is that Rebecca’s story is all too common these days.  The i-SAFE Foundation reports that over half of adolescents and teens have been victims of cyber-bulling and 1 in 3 have received cyber threats online.

Harmful bullying is nothing new, but what is different now is the sophisticated tools teens have at their disposal to torment victims.  It used to be that bullying was done face-to-face and if the victim could last until the end of the school day, they were able to retreat to the safety of their homes.  In today’s world of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media channels, bullies have access to their victims 24/7.  Compounding the problem of unlimited access to the victim is the speed with which nasty comments and rumors can be posted and spread via social media to an entire network of individuals.   Once posted, comments take on a life of their own and become a permanent reminder of the abuse the victim suffers.  Victims of cyber-bullying often feel helpless and believe they have nowhere to hide.

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Social media also creates a climate where people feel somewhat anonymous and post things on-line that they would never have the nerve to say to somebody face-to-face.  Social media bullies feel safe because they don’t risk face-to-face confrontations and they don’t have to see the impact their actions have on their victims.

What role do selfies play in cyber-bullying?  It’s an unfortunate fact that cyber-bullying often starts with cruel comments made in response to the posting of an innocent selfie.  Even celebrities such as Iggy Azalea have fallen victim to cyber-bullying and body-shaming from a picture posted on-line.

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Many people post selfies in the hopes of getting compliments and assurances from their friends, but there is also a flip-side to seeking out attention from others. Unfortunately, posting selfies can attract unwanted negative attention and give bullies an “in” to start harassment.   If the victim is already dealing with self-esteem issues, cruel comments posted about their appearance can lead to depression and other psychological problems. This is not to say that selfie posters deserve the negative attention they get, it is just a warning that there is a risk involved when you post an image of yourself that can be used or commented on in a way you cannot control.

I am not suggesting that by eliminating selfies society will be able to stop cyber-bullying, but at least it will give abusers one less way to access victims. Instead of relying on strangers or distant friends for feedback on your appearance through social media, it is a much better idea to build your self-esteem through face-to-face human interaction where you are being judged by the person you are, and not just the image you post.